Become a Member
A most rewarding way to show your support

A most rewarding way to show your support!
From becoming a Festival Friend for just £40 a year to joining the John Stewart Society (named in honour of our Founder) for £2,400 a year, each level of membership comes with its own range of benefits
Explore our five membership levels below to decide which one is right for you. Then simply click on the link and purchase your membership online – it couldn’t be easier.
Alternatively, please email us at or call us on 01796 484600
Membership Benefits
All levels of membership offer the following
- Priority booking
- Discounts on tickets
- Hospitality vouchers and discounts
- Retail discounts
- Advance notice of events
- Regular e-newsletters

Festival Friends
£40 per year
Become a Festival Friend
Seven days priority booking
Up to 10% savings on two tickets per show
10% off retail purchases at our Theatre shop with your Membership card
Two Café vouchers for a complimentary drink or snack
Season brochure and announcements first

Festival Circle
£150 per year
Become a Festival Circle Member
Benefits as for Festival Friends, plus:
14 days priority booking
15% savings on up to four tickets per show
Save 10% on all Café purchases including meals (not alcoholic drinks) with your Membership card
Household membership – two cards per household (benefits only extend to all in household)
50% off Pitlochry Festival Theatre tours
Recognition in our programme

Festival Gallery
£42 per month or £500 per year
Become a Festival Gallery Member
Benefits as for Festival Circle, plus:
Personalised booking service
Invitations to talks with visiting artists and staff
Invitation to behind the scenes experiences
First Night drinks reception invitation for two to one Pitlochry Festival Theatre show

Festival Cast
£100 per month or £1200 per year
Become a Festival Cast Member
Benefits as for Festival Gallery, plus:
Recognition displayed in Theatre foyer
Complimentary programmes
First Night invitation for an additional two Pitlochry Festival Theatre shows
Invitation to annual Donor Appreciation Luncheon

John Stewart Society
The Society is named in honour of our founder, “. . . the modest and courageous Scot who ventured his fortune to found the theatre” and provides supporters with an opportunity to make an important contribution to the development of the Theatre’s reputation for excellence and help to shape its future.
£200 per month or £2,400 per year.
Become a John Stewart Society Member
You’ll enjoy ALL the Festival Cast benefits, plus:
Invitation to Chair’s Dinner
Reserved seating in Restaurant
Quarterly updates from Directors
Personalised benefits package
Your membership fee is split between the commercial value of your benefits and a suggested donation to Pitlochry Festival Theatre: Scottish Charity Number SC013055.