
Contractors, both local and from further afield, have worked hard in the garden to ensure it’s ready to reopen.
Michael McPake and his team from IFP Scotland have resurfaced all our main paths to make them safe and accessible to all.
Jack Suthers of Suthers Stonemasonry refurbished our feature Moongate, and it now also boasts a Pictish symbol in its centre stone to celebrate the region and to salute the many important stories that Pitlochry Festival Theatre has brought to life in the Garden’s Amphitheatre.
Allan Gray of Allan Gray Joinery had his work cut out (literally!) creating a sleeper wall at the Amphitheatre, which now also has better access for the audience and actors.
Barry Christie from BC Maintenance has made sure our other performance areas are also looking spruce. He levelled all the blockwork stone by stone, and we are looking forward to these areas being hives of activity once more.
Paul Hodgkiss and his team from Paul Hodgkiss Designs are restoring our two structures – the Pagoda Tea House and the David Douglas Pavilion, a stunning piece of architecture at the heart of the Explorers Garden.
Meanwhile, following an extensive survey of all of our magnificent trees by Awen Tree Consultancy, Aaron McDougal and Jason McPhee of Tree Maintenance Services had the dangerous job of dead-wooding branches high in the canopies.
They also dealt with all the fallen and precariously hanging branches as a result of storm damage and will be helping with the ongoing maintenance of our wonderful trees going forward.